Works Update – Feb 2021

In advance of anticipated works to erect our acoustic fence we have arranged for the removal of the trees to the boundary behind the residential properties along Campbell Road. The fence is a key element of the planned Development works and is designed to provide screening for the residents and is to be installed in the first phase of the works.

These planned tree works include the removal of Conifer trees and sycamore tree along the Eastleigh works boundary.

·       Works are to be undertaken in two phases.

·       Initial phase starts Monday 01 March and will last a planned 3-4 days. This will entail the removal of all lateral branches from the main trunks and larger branches. The trunks and some large branches will be retained at this stage.

·       The second phase of works will be the felling of trunks to ground level. Timing of these works to be confirmed.

·       The works will be carried out using hand and chain saws and will be noisy, but every effort will be made to minimise noise and disruption.

·       Works will be carried out in normal working hours.

·       Works are to be undertaken by professional tree surgeons monitored by a Main Contractor.

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